Darren Schalk

  • If God Doesn’t Change, Why Should I?

    If God Doesn’t Change, Why Should I?

    When my little girls were learning to walk, I paid close attention to their progress. Around the age of 10 months or so, they were both very close to walking. Each one could stand up on her own and take several steps. My wife and I would often sit on the floor and coax them

  • Why Millennials Shouldn’t Leave Church

    Why Millennials Shouldn’t Leave Church

    I recently turned 35. I was raised on Saturday morning cartoons (DuckTales, Shirt Tales, lots of stuff with tales), cordless phones with extendable four-foot antennae, and Pop Rocks and Coke (they don’t kill you!). While I undoubtedly have a place in Generation X, I often share similar views with the millennials, particularly when it comes to all

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