Cathy Lechner

  • Staying Steady in Your Faith During Change

    Staying Steady in Your Faith During Change

    On their journey from Egypt to the promised land, the Israelites spent a period of time in Elim, “where there were twelve wells of water and seventy palm trees” (Ex. 15:27). This was a place of refreshing for them–a comfortable place where they undoubtedly would like to have stayed. But it was only a stopover.

  • The Day I Didn’t Feel Like Laughing

    The Day I Didn’t Feel Like Laughing

    My eyes fluttered open, and I was jolted awake. My heart seemed as if it were pounding out of my chest. Where was I? Nothing looked familiar. Was I in a motel room? Then suddenly it dawned on me that I had bought new bedroom furniture, the first in 18 years of marriage. I was…

  • God, What Do I Get if I Obey You?

    God, What Do I Get if I Obey You?

    Recently I have been crying out to God that I don’t want all my rewards in this life. Once my mother found me weeping in my hotel room and asked what was wrong. “I don’t want to receive all my rewards on this earth so that when I get to heaven all I have is…

  • Why Can’t I Say ‘No’?

    "You ought to let me cut and highlight your hair." I heard the voice over my shoulder. When I turned around, my eyes had to look down about two feet to find the source of the offer, one that came with a long, Southern drawl. "Hi, my name is Hepsiba. (That's in the Bible.) I…

  • Finding Your Security in God

     turned the thick envelope over and over in my hands. Guessing what was inside, I hesitated to open it and confirm my suspicions. With heart pounding, I broke the seal. Underneath it lay an invitation to a wedding—a wedding that should have been mine. I was being invited to celebrate the marriage of the man…

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