Cathy Coppola

  • Man Sees After 18 Years of Blindness Through Supernatural Circumstances

    Man Sees After 18 Years of Blindness Through Supernatural Circumstances

    Blind man, can you see? “What do you want Me to do for you?” (Mark 10:51, NKJV). This was the question Jesus asked blind Bartimaeus. The realm of the Spirit is charged with supernatural manifestations for you to receive and walk in as a believer. It’s time — the price for your healing was paid

  • 6 Prayers to Pray Over Your Kids

    6 Prayers to Pray Over Your Kids

    Your loved ones are dependent on you! Regardless of how old they are, they need you to pray. Pray powerful prayers and destroy the devil’s agenda in your loved ones’ lives. Your prayer life matters. Your outcome is dependent on your power-filled prayer. — Direct their steps. — Let no sin rule over them. —

  • Kick Him When He’s Down! It’s What He Did to You!

    Kick Him When He’s Down! It’s What He Did to You!

    The enemy of your soul wants to rob you of God’s fullness! BUT GOD! See the enemy will steal, kill and destroy. John 10:10 (NIV): “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” He likes to kick you when

  • Extinguish Profane Fire in the Church!

    Extinguish Profane Fire in the Church!

    The first question recorded in the Bible was asked by the serpent in the Garden of Eden: “Did God really say that you must not eat from any tree in the garden?” (Gen. 3:1, NIV). Immediately we are introduced to someone twisting what God really said to do and yet call it God’s will. Nadab

  • When God Healed a Lazy Left Eye

    When God Healed a Lazy Left Eye

    The power to heal was present! Nancy came and received healing for her lazy left eye. From the age of 7 through adulthood, she had what is medically referred to as amblyopia, otherwise known as an eye that wanders due to abnormal development. Nancy had eye surgery to correct this, but it was not effective.

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