Ben Lim

  • How to Increase Your Supernatural Sensitivity

    How to Increase Your Supernatural Sensitivity

    Every single one of us was made to be sensitive to the Lord. Unfortunately, too many have become hyper-sensitive to the world and carnal things or have become desensitized by the cold callousness of our hearts. The Holy Spirit wants to befriend us and betroth us in a deeper and greater level of intimacy. However,

  • Prophetic Vision: ‘Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin,’ ‘The Writing Is on the Wall’

    Prophetic Vision: ‘Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin,’ ‘The Writing Is on the Wall’

    A few weeks ago, I was caught up in a very clear vision where I saw the hand of God extending His finger, and He began to write something on a wall. Then the Lord spoke to me in my spirit man: MENE MENE TEKEL UPHARSIN, “The writing is on the wall!” “Then from his

  • 10 Prophetic Words for Summer 2021

    10 Prophetic Words for Summer 2021

    Expect God to blow your socks off because this is a summer of harvest and awakening! For the next three months all of God’s people are in a time of open heavens in the United States, Israel and all around the world! God always saves the best for last, and right now we are in

  • Prophetic Word: The Great Wealth Transference Amidst the Grave Economic Crash

    Prophetic Word: The Great Wealth Transference Amidst the Grave Economic Crash

    Many have been talking about the looming fear of the eminent market and economic crash. The crash of the almighty dollar is soon bound to happen, along with the collapse of all of the idolatrous images of men! Some have said that this market crash of 2021 will be worse and more devastating than our

  • 7 Prophetic Promises to Expect in This Pentecost Season

    7 Prophetic Promises to Expect in This Pentecost Season

    Shavuot or Pentecost is one of the most important feasts and times of our Judeo-Christian faith. Pentecost is the timeframe where the Torah was given to Moses on top of Mount Sinai and years later, is also the same timeframe where the promise of the Holy Spirit was released in the upper room in Acts

  • Prophetic Vision: A Seat of Power Is Rising for You

    Prophetic Vision: A Seat of Power Is Rising for You

    Recently, as I was in the Orlando area, the Lord caught me up in an open vision during one of our drives. He showed me a glorious, golden throne rising up, out from the swampy waters of Florida. The Lord began speaking to me, saying that there were many seats, or thrones of power, rising

  • Prophecy: The Shepherd’s Rod Will Break You Out of Perilous Times

    Prophecy: The Shepherd’s Rod Will Break You Out of Perilous Times

    Many leaders in the body of Christ have similarly shared how they have been enduring trying times of testing in the last several weeks. It is almost as if the level of witchcraft and warfare has increased and intensified since the last season of Passover and Unleavened Bread. This is occurring because a spring cleaning

  • Prophecy: You Are Embarking Upon a New Season of Blessing and Favor

    Prophecy: You Are Embarking Upon a New Season of Blessing and Favor

    April is an unusual time and season of miracles. It is a time of crossing over and of passing over. Every angel and spirit of death will pass by. It will not touch you! Every hellacious attack of the enemy will not only pass you by, but you will pass over into the land of

  • Prophetic Word: The Lord Says He Is About to Shock the World

    Prophetic Word: The Lord Says He Is About to Shock the World

    The Lord says: “We are in a time and season where decisions are being made. Paths are being laid out. Roads are being paved and relationships are being secured. “We are in a time where the Lord of hosts is making amends and is adjusting things into your destiny. “This is a crucial time. “Many

  • Prophecy: Goshen ‘Glory Zones’ Will Be Established on the Earth

    Prophecy: Goshen ‘Glory Zones’ Will Be Established on the Earth

    The Lord of heaven keeps you evergreen while you are here on this earth. The Lord will keep you ever-youthful, ever-relevant, ever-powerful, ever-strong, ever-ahead, ever-rich, ever-blessed, ever-joyful, ever-effective and everlasting. This is the reality of heaven and this is the prayer Jesus taught us to pray, that God’s will would be done on earth as

  • Prophetic Vision: Many Youth Will Denounce Their Ties to the Evil One

    Prophetic Vision: Many Youth Will Denounce Their Ties to the Evil One

    Recently I was taken into a very disturbing vision. I saw that many have sold their souls to the devil. In order to be politically correct, culturally accepted and to be tolerated by man, many have unfortunately fallen for and have bowed down to the evil one! “And no wonder! For even Satan disguises himself

  • Prophetic Word: The Lord Is Raising Up New Culture Shifters

    Prophetic Word: The Lord Is Raising Up New Culture Shifters

    “I see a new movement of freedom fighters, riders and writers rising up with a voice of change, reform and justice in their spirits and with a cry of liberty in their souls … … I saw the Lord blessing and anointing the African American community in the United States with great recompense and with

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