Bek Curtis

  • How You Know Your Wounded Emotions Are Really Healed

    How You Know Your Wounded Emotions Are Really Healed

    “When you can tell your story and it doesn’t make you cry, you know you have healed.” —David Avocado Wolfe This quote popped up on my Facebook news feed a few days ago, it was credited to David (Avocado) Wolfe, so I’m going to go ahead and assume that the sentiment is his also, because you

  • A Prophetic Word for the Church: Why God Is Sending Refugees From Syria

    A Prophetic Word for the Church: Why God Is Sending Refugees From Syria

    For the last few years corporate prophecy in Australia, and I suspect in nations across the world, has centered on revival. Many believe that a spiritual pregnancy is underway, and its delivery will be a great awakening of faith that culminates in miraculous manifestations. Surprisingly, given that I try to shy away from spiritual “hype,”

  • Why You Should Stop Putting People in a Box

    Why You Should Stop Putting People in a Box

    I read a news story today that completely wrecked me. That’s not entirely true, it was in fact the accompanying YouTube clip that turned me into a blubbering mess. It was a story on Donald Gould and his beautiful gift of music, you can read the article and watch the clip here: Other than the

  • Do You Wear a Mask at Church?

    Do You Wear a Mask at Church?

    I’m usually not a huge fan of the Open Letter, though I’ve written one or two before, I find myself wondering why must these letters always be public? Say what you need to say in private and then move along on your merry way. Why the need for an audience?  But ever the hypocrite (aren’t we all just a little,

  • 5 Questions to Ask Yourself  Before Correcting Someone

    5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Correcting Someone

    Yesterday morning I crashed my car. It was a minor accident, no damage to persons and both cars still thankfully driveable. The accident was embarrassingly all my fault. I was searching for a tissue because my nose had spontaneously started running (this is the only running I do these days), when I rammed up the

  • Before Your Criticize Someone, Read This

    Before Your Criticize Someone, Read This

    Yesterday morning I crashed my car. It was a minor accident, no damage to persons and both cars still thankfully drivable. The accident was embarrassingly all my fault. I was searching for a tissue because my nose had spontaneously started running (this is the only running I do these days), when I rammed up the

  • When Someone Says ‘No Thanks’ to Your Offer for Prayer

    When Someone Says ‘No Thanks’ to Your Offer for Prayer

    Healing testimonies are great, but what happens when you step out into active obedience, and things don’t go according to plan… well your plan anyway? A few weeks ago I visited a local beautician to have my eyebrows sculpted. So fancy! In reality, you hand over $10, and in return, a beauty technician or beauty therapist uses scalding hot wax

  • When You Get the Answer You Didn’t Want

    When You Get the Answer You Didn’t Want

    A couple of months ago I did an online aptitude test, it was recommended as a tool to help highlight my strengths and weaknesses. HA! Like I need help with that, my weaknesses are oh so very apparent without the need for a test! However, in a revelation that I did not see coming, another

  • Have You Prayed for the Leaders in Your Church?

    Have You Prayed for the Leaders in Your Church?

    How much do you value your church family? How much do you value your leaders? Do you cry when they cry? Laugh when they laugh? Do you grieve when one of them stumbles, or are you quick to point out all the tell-tale signs of sin that you discerned in the lead-up to their downfall? Answer in your

  • The Great Deception Called Happiness

    The Great Deception Called Happiness

    This morning was not a fantastic morning. Nothing dramatically bad, just not very good, and all due to the fact that my husband and I overslept. In the space of 10 seconds we had been torn from blissful slumber, cocooned in warm blankets while rain danced on our roof tops, into the panicked reality of

  • Don’t Rob Your Friend of His Presence

    Don’t Rob Your Friend of His Presence

    I regularly encounter people in crisis. I meet with people when they’re at their spiritual, emotional or mental low. Broken and battered, covered in invisible scars, weighed down by the baggage of their past. People struggling to cope with pain, the open fresh wounds of rejection, abandonment, addiction and a myriad of other afflictions that

  • 3 Ways to Kill Friendship

    3 Ways to Kill Friendship

    I’ve spent a good deal of time pondering friendships and their variable dynamics. I love my alone time, but I am deeply relational, and when I am with my friends, my people, my tribe, I am not content with superficial chit chat. I desire to go deep. I love nothing more in conversation than that moment

  • Does God’s Presence Depend on Your Performance?

    Does God’s Presence Depend on Your Performance?

    There are a myriad of “Christian” phrases that irk me. My top one is probably: “We just want to love on you.” Anything with “love on” in the sentence just conjures up for me, images of a weird and slightly creepy game of “stacks on.” (Clearly I attended church youth group in the ’90s). But

  • How Your Focus Sets Your Future

    How Your Focus Sets Your Future

    I once dated a guy, who lived by the motto, “Keep your friends close, your enemies closer.” We were deeply immersed in the drug scene, hypnotized by a false culture of camaraderie poisoned by distrust. Admittedly, my moral compass certainly wasn’t operating with great consistency or effectiveness, but the attitude of my boyfriend disgusted me.

  • How God Transformed 1 Teen Mom’s Life

    How God Transformed 1 Teen Mom’s Life

    I am ‘Mum’ to three amazing biological children. Sir J, age 14; Lady M, age 12; and Little Miss, 7. You can stop pulling that puzzled face; these are not their real names—just how I refer to them in order to respect their future online identity and privacy. My initiation into motherhood didn’t begin with a

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