Barbara J. Yoder

  • What to Do When You Feel Surrounded by Darkness

    What to Do When You Feel Surrounded by Darkness

    We are living in a greater darkness than ever before. Every day, we face challenges many people before us never imagined possible in their childhoods—things such as terrorism, the loss of childhood innocence, a death-focused society, widespread drug use, broken marriages, abused children, and television programs that mainstream sex, rebellion and anarchy. The list could

  • How to Turn Your Trouble Into Triumph

    How to Turn Your Trouble Into Triumph

    What a gift—to live in our time! Today is a day of great opportunity for women. We can now break through to new positions and levels of authority in all spheres. Women currently lead in every sector of society. We direct schools, universities, corporations, churches, governments and nations. In the midst of this unparalleled opportunity,

  • Carriers of the Glory

    Carriers of the Glory

    Ringing in my ears are the words of multiple prophets who are saying, "Get ready, the world is going to change fast, and so is the church." Some share the message from a more positive standpoint, others from a less positive one. The first kind causes me to anticipate what is coming; the second makes…

  • On the Brink of an Outpouring

    On the Brink of an Outpouring

    Last summer while speaking at my church on a Sunday morning, I saw a vision of snakes wrapped around someone's lungs. It wasn't a great vision to have. ... I knew those snakes represented a demonic presence, probably a spirit of infirmity.I didn't want to say what I was seeing because I thought some poor…

  • Cry Out for Revival

    Cry Out for Revival

    In April of 2006, during the worship service of a conference at which I was scheduled to speak, an unusual presence of God began to settle upon me. The heavier God's presence became, the more caught up in a heavenly realm I was. I found myself in the middle of an IMAX or 3-D-like experience.…

  • Contend for God’s Promises

    Contend for God’s Promises

    Editor's Note: The following message is the most recent posted on Barbara Yoder's new blog, which you can find at The original title of the word is "We Are Contending." We are in a season of contending. We must contend past the deception that has tried to mislead us. Deception blinds us from seeing…

  • The Revelation of the Kingdom of God

    The Revelation of the Kingdom of God

    The longer I spoke, the stronger the vision came. I was in Jakarta, Indonesia, in July 2007, and I was preaching at three services back-to-back, beginning on a Saturday evening. While I was focused on speaking to the people who were present and sitting there in the congregation, something strange was happening. It was as…

  • Unleash the Power to Break Through to Victory

    Unleash the Power to Break Through to Victory

    There is a new generation arising in the church who can feel something radical stirring inside them. They have read the Bible, and the passion of the apostolic leaders of the New Testament church burns in their hearts. This generation confronts sin and the demons that hold souls captive. Their God is the one who

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