B. Courtney McBath

  • Are You Like Your Father?

    Are You Like Your Father?

    One of my most poignant memories of my late father is of him seated at his desk with his Bible open, studying. My dad wasn’t a highly educated man, but he was devoted to Jesus Christ and had an insatiable hunger for biblical knowledge. I remember watching him many times as he pored over passages

  • Why So Many Titles?

    Why So Many Titles?

    Our focus must be on the development of character and skills–not on titles and status! I was thinking the other morning about the many different hats I wear. I realized, to my dismay, that I have at least five different titles–Reverend, Doctor, Pastor, Senior Overseer, Bishop. Are all of these labels necessary? Are titles being

  • Bring Back the Ark

    by B. Courtney McBath God will do in America what He is doing in the nations if we give Him preeminence in our lives.   A few weeks ago I preached on the subject of worship using 2 Samuel 6, a passage that outlines King David's two attempts to bring the ark of the covenant

  • Why God Is Moving In Other Nations But Not In America

    Why God Is Moving In Other Nations But Not In America

    God will do in America what He is doing in the nations if we give Him preeminence in our lives. A few weeks ago I preached on the subject of worship using 2 Samuel 6, a passage that outlines King David’s two attempts to bring the ark of the covenant to the city of Jerusalem.

  • Why Your Title Doesn’t Matter

    Why Your Title Doesn’t Matter

    Our focus must be on the development of character and skills--not on titles and status!

  • When Can You Sell the Anointing?

    When Can You Sell the Anointing?

    More and more ministries are ‘selling’ spiritual gifts to anyone willing to pay. What does the Bible say about these tactics? Flipping through a magazine recently, I came across a church conference advertisement that at first glance seemed run-of-the-mill. All of the essential information was there–dates, times, speakers, location. Then I noticed words to this

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