Anna Rountree

  • Are You a Spiritual Baby?

    Are You a Spiritual Baby?

    At the conclusion of the ancient Jewish ceremony of formal betrothal, after a ring or some other token of value had been given to the bride, those gathered to witness and celebrate the occasion would shout together: “Sanctified!” All that remained to seal the marriage was a cup of wine, the blessings and the bridal

  • Progressing Toward Communion With Christ

    Progressing Toward Communion With Christ

    At the conclusion of the ancient Jewish ceremony of formal betrothal, after a ring or some other token of value had been given to the bride, those gathered to witness and celebrate the occasion would shout together: “Sanctified!” All that remained to seal the marriage was a cup of wine, the blessings and the bridal…

  • Learning to Love Him

    Among our friends in ministry is one who literally died, appeared before Jesus in heaven and was sent back to Earth to complete his service to our Lord. Now he touches untold thousands for Christ.In relating his death experience, he says that he found himself in heaven in a line of people who were standing…

  • Keep Your Mind on Heavenly Things

    A wonderful story has been handed down to us from the East. It goes like this: There was a king's son who, being expelled in infancy from his native city, was brought up by a forester. He learned the ways of the woods as well as the trade of a woodsman. One day an official…

  • 3 Keys to Moving in the Supernatural Love of God

    3 Keys to Moving in the Supernatural Love of God

     Among our friends in ministry is one who literally died, appeared before Jesus in heaven and was sent back to Earth to complete his service to our Lord. Now he touches untold thousands for Christ. In relating his death experience, he says that he found himself in heaven in a line of people who were

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