Amie Streater

  • 4 Ways to Save Money on Everyday Expenses

    4 Ways to Save Money on Everyday Expenses

    As Christians, we know God is our ultimate source of provision. For many, the past few years have been a season of shrinking: shrinking incomes, shrinking jobs, shrinking retirement accounts, shrinking consumer confidence, and—as any pastor can tell you—shrinking giving. And where giving is concerned, certainly no one is happy about a decline. Pastors nationwide are

  • 13 Ways to Stretch Your Giving

    13 Ways to Stretch Your Giving

    As Christians, we know God is our ultimate source of provision. Yet even as the job market has picked up in 2012, many of us—employed or not—continue to feel a pocketbook pinch from $4-a-gallon gas, upside-down mortgages and a general increase in cost-of-living expenses. For many, the past few years have been a season of

  • Elves, Debt Fairies and Other Myths

    Elves, Debt Fairies and Other Myths

    I grew up with Santa Claus, and I’m guessing you probably did too. I still remember the sad day when I learned from some really mean kids on the playground that there was no jolly man in a red velvet suit putting dolls and Michael Jackson records under the Christmas tree. And there were no…

  • No More Plastic Holidays!

    No More Plastic Holidays!

    Don't allow gift-giving expectations to put you deeper in debt and rob you of the true joy of the season I know what you’re thinking: Here they come. Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s; gifts to buy, meals to prepare, decorating, houseguests, parties to attend, church activities, neighborhood events, school productions—and a partridge in a pear tree.It’s exhausting, isn’t it? Add…

  • God’s Antidote to Black Friday Excesses

    God’s Antidote to Black Friday Excesses

    Don’t allow gift-giving expectations to put you deeper in debt and rob you of the true joy of the season  I know what you’re thinking: Here they come. Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s; gifts to buy, meals to prepare, decorating, houseguests, parties to attend, church activities, neighborhood events, school productions—and a partridge in a pear tree. It’s exhausting, isn’t

  • No More Plastic Holidays!

    No More Plastic Holidays!

    Don’t allow gift-giving expectations to put you deeper in debt and rob you of the true joy of the season I know what you’re thinking: Here they come. Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s; gifts to buy, meals to prepare, decorating, houseguests, parties to attend, church activities, neighborhood events, school productions—and a partridge in a pear tree.It’s exhausting, isn’t it? Add…

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