Search results for: "John Burton"

  • Why John Burton Says the Church Needs to Bring Back the Holy Spirit

    Why John Burton Says the Church Needs to Bring Back the Holy Spirit

    Apostolic minister John Burton envisions what he says is a much-needed radical reformation for the church. And it begins, he says, in the place of prayer. “We need to create an environment where Spirit-driven, Holy Spirit prayer is the main thing,” he tells Dr. Steve Greene on a popular episode of the Greenelines podcast on

  • WATCH: John Burton, 7 Keys to a Powerful Prayer Culture

    WATCH: John Burton, 7 Keys to a Powerful Prayer Culture

    “Can you imagine going to a football stadium where there’s 70-80,000 Christians there—I mean on their face, burning and groaning in the Spirit? That’s church.” Watch as John Burton unpacks his ideas for developing a powerful prayer culture within both individual churches and the church at large. What do you think? Let us know in

  • John Burton: A Sobering Prophecy

    John Burton: A Sobering Prophecy

    Note: This is the second of a three-part series. For part one, click here. In Ezekiel 25 we see a key strategy emerge. Up until this point, concerning Jerusalem and the land of Israel, people had been holding on to faint hope due to the encouragement of false prophets. Then, contrary to the words of

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