Wed. Oct 16th, 2024

Here Are Your Keys to Unlocking Abundant Life

A blessed and favored Christian is vibrant, fruitful and able to give and sustain life. But if all you do is receive, receive, receive, you will end up like the Dead Sea—becoming too salty and too toxic to support any kind of life. So, if you want to receive the blessing and favor of God, you have to be ready to give.

What Is the Key?

Giving is one of the ways you show favor to others and tap into the favor of God. The Bible teaches a simple message about being blessed to be a blessing. It is a cyclical law much like sowing and reaping. In Christian circles it has been called the law of the harvest; in the world, karma; and in science, cause and effect: “What goes around comes around.” “You get what you pay for.” “You get out what you put in.” “Whatever you sow, you will reap.”

Regardless of what man has tried to label it, this law of giving and receiving originated with God at the foundation of the world. It is not a hypothesis or theory. It is an ingrained law that applies to life on this earth and in heaven whether we are aware of it or not. What you release will be given back to you; and even more, you will receive in proportion to how you give. If you give (or sow) sparingly, you will receive (or reap) sparingly (2 Cor. 9:6).

Favor and Abundance

There is one type of giving I want to emphasize that will cause favor to be multiplied to you in ways you may have never experienced. This type of giving will bring you into a realm of favor that no other type of giving will: “And God is able to make all grace [favor] abound toward you [superabound]; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work: (As it is written, He hath dispersed abroad; he hath given to the poor: his righteousness remaineth for ever),” (2 Cor. 9:8–9, KJV).

I have emphasized “dispersed abroad.” Years ago the Lord challenged our ministry to sow into other nations. He wanted us to disperse abroad. An abundance of favor is released to a ministry that disperses abroad. God will make favor “superabound” toward you. This is the literal meaning of the word abound in the Greek language. There will come a superabundance of favor.

Most believers have never walked in this level of favor, but it is available to those who will disperse abroad. Showing mercy and giving to poor nations is the way to tap into this realm of favor.

An abundance of financial favor will be released to them who disperse abroad. God will multiply your sown seed. This is how you can enter into the realm of multiplication. Multiplication always brings abundance.

Stinginess will choke the flow of favor out of your life. You cannot be stingy and have an abundance of favor. Givers receive favor. “Give and it shall be given unto you, good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over [overflowing], shall men give into your bosom,” (Luke 6:38, KJV). People will favor you by giving into your bosom. There will be so much favor that your finances will overflow. This is an abundance of favor, and it is the level we want to walk and live in.

What Is Supernatural Mega-Favor?

The Greek word megas means “great,” and from it we get the English word mega. In other words, the apostles had mega-grace. Mega means great or large; it also means “million.” There are megabucks, megabytes, mega doses and megahertz. The implication is always something huge. We want to enter the realm of mega-favor.

The apostles’ anointing releases great favor. This is a part of the apostolic church. There is no lack when this level of favor is present: “I thank my God always on your behalf, for the grace [favor] of God which is given you by Jesus Christ; that in everything ye are enriched by him, in all utterance, and in all knowledge; even as the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you: So that ye come behind in no gift; waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ,” (1 Cor. 1:4–7, KJV).

This is great favor. When you walk in this realm of favor, you will “come behind in no gift,” (1 Cor. 1:7, KJV), meaning you will lack no spiritual gift. You will be enriched in everything. To enrich means “to make rich.” To be rich means to have an abundant supply. This is a level of favor that releases abundance.

Notice that the apostles would release grace when writing to the churches. There is an anointing upon apostles and other ministry gifts to release favor to the body of Christ. Favor (grace) and apostleship are linked together (Rom. 1:5).

This is the hour in which God is restoring apostolic ministry to the church. The church is again receiving the ministry of the apostles. Apostles are once again being recognized. As we embrace true apostolic ministers, we will see a great release of God’s favor to the church. This is already happening. It is the time of God’s: “Thou shalt arise, and have mercy upon Zion: for the time to favour her, yea, the set time, is come,” (Ps. 102:13, KJV).

We are living in an apostolic time. This is a season of favor. God is doing some awesome things in this season. He is doing a work so great that it will not be believed (Hab. 1:5). It is a set time. This means that it has been ordained by the Father. No devil can stop it. You must believe it and receive God’s favor.

Confessing the Word of God is an important part of every believer’s spiritual life. Christianity is called the “great confession.” Salvation comes from confessing with the mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord (Rom. 10:9–10). The mouth is connected to the heart, and the Word of God released from your mouth will be planted in your heart. Faith is also released from the mouth. The Bible says, “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks,” (Matt. 12:34). The mouth can only release what is in the heart. But faith in the heart that is released through the mouth can move mountains (Matt. 17:20).

God’s Word is powerful. When you pray the Word of God, it becomes “like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces,” (Jer. 23:29), bringing victory and the abundant life Jesus died for us to experience. May the following prayers and confessions activate your faith and expectancy for God’s best and release His favor and goodness as you walk faithfully before Him.

Prayers for the Blessing of Giving

I give, and it is given to me; “pressed down, shaken together, and running over, will men give unto” me (Luke 6:38).
I sow bountifully, and I reap bountifully (2 Cor. 9:6).
Lord, remember all my offerings (Ps. 20:3).
I honor You with the first fruits of my increase; therefore, let my barns be filled with plenty (Prov. 3:9–10).
Let wealth and riches be in my house, for I am a giver (Ps. 112:3).
I bring the tithe and offerings to the storehouse. Let the windows of heaven be opened over my life (Mal. 3:10).
I bring the tithe and offerings to the storehouse. Rebuke the devourer for my sake (Mal. 3:10–11).
I sow into good ground, and I reap an abundant harvest (Gal. 6:7).
I believe in seedtime and harvest as long as the earth remains (Gen. 8:22).
I give, so release Your heaps into my life (2 Chron. 31:8, KJV).
I have a bountiful eye, and I give; therefore, I receive Your blessing (Prov. 22:9).
I give; therefore, give me richly all things to enjoy (1 Tim. 6:17).
I will bring an offering and come into Your courts (Ps. 96:8).
Let my prayers and giving come up as a memorial before You (Acts 10:4).
I will support anointed ministers, and my needs are met according to Your riches in glory (Phil. 4:18–19).
I will minister to You, Lord, with my substance (Luke 8:2–3, KVJ).
I am a doer of the Word, and I obey Your Word by giving (Jas. 1:22; Luke 6:38).
Let my giving and tithes increase (Deut. 14:22, KVJ).
Let my latter end greatly increase (Job 8:7).
I will flourish like a palm tree and grow like a cedar in Lebanon (Ps. 92:12).

Abundance and Prosperity Confessions

I will prosper and be in health as my soul prospers (3 John 2, NKVJ).
I will not lack, for You are my shepherd, and I will not want (Ps. 23:1).
Lord, prosper me and let me have abundance.
Lord, You are El Shaddai, the God of more than enough; give me everything I need to fulfill my destiny, and let me have more than I need (Gen. 17, NLT).
Lord, You became poor that through Your poverty I might be rich (2 Cor. 8:9).
Lord, let me not lack any good thing, for I delight myself in You (Ps. 119:16, 47, NKVJ).
Lord, give me the desires of my heart, for I seek You (Ps. 37:4).
Lord, I put first Your kingdom and Your righteousness, and all things are added to me (Matt. 6:33).
Lord, bless my coming in and my going out (Ps. 121:8).
Lord, let me be blessed in the city and blessed in the field (Deut. 28:3).
Lord, let me be blessed to be above and not beneath (Deut. 28:13).
Lord, let me be blessed to be the head and not the tail (Deut. 28:13).
Lord, let me be blessed with dominion and victory over the enemy (Ps. 119:133).
Lord, multiply Your grace in my life, and let me abound to every good work (2 Cor. 9:8).
Lord, let me have abundance and not scarceness.
Lord, let there be no holes in my bag (Hag. 1:6).
Let the windows of heaven be opened over my life and pour me out a blessing
I don’t have room enough to receive. Lord, rebuke the devourer for my sake (Mal. 3:10–11).
Lord, I seek You; cause me to prosper (2 Chron. 26:5, KVJ).
Lord, speak over my life and let me prosper (Gen. 24:40).
Let me have wisdom and prosperity (1 Kings 10:7).
Lord God of heaven, prosper me (Neh. 2:20).
Lord, take pleasure in my prosperity (Ps. 35:27, KVJ).
Lord, send prosperity to my life (Ps. 118:25, KVJ).
Let peace and prosperity be within my house (Ps. 122:7).
Let the gifts You have given me bring prosperity (Prov. 17:8).
Lord, You have called me; make my way prosperous (Isa. 48:15).
Lord, rule and reign over my life with prosperity (Jer. 23:5).
Lord, procure Your goodness and prosperity in my life (Jer. 33:9).
Lord, bless me, and let me not forget prosperity (Lam. 3:17).
Lord, let me prosper like Abraham (Gen. 24:35).
Lord, bless me and increase me like Abraham my father (Isa. 51:2).
Lord, let me prosper like Joseph (Gen. 39:2).
Lord, bless me like Asher, and let me dip my feet in oil (Deut. 33:24).
Lord, bless my house like the house of Obed-Edom (2 Sam. 6:12).
Lord, bless me and bring me into a wealthy place (Ps. 66:12, KVJ).
Lord, give me power to get wealth (Deut. 8:18, KVJ).
Lord, Your blessing makes rich, and You add no sorrow (Prov. 10:22).
Lord, bless me with enough to eat, with plenty left (2 Chron. 31:10).
Lord, let me prosper like Daniel (Dan. 6:28).
Let every journey I take be prosperous (Rom. 1:10, KVJ).
Let every good seed I plant prosper (Zech. 8:12).

Apostle John Eckhardt is overseer of Crusaders Ministries. He is a sought-after international conference speaker and has authored over 40 books, including Prayers That Rout Demons, Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare Manual and his newest book, Prayers That Unlock Favor. Eckhardt lives in Chicago with his wife, Wanda.

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