Greg Laurie: How You Could Be Fulfilling This Sign of the End Times

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Rachel Sammons

Greg Laurie, right, with his wife.

“I believe that you—yourself—are actually a fulfillment of Bible prophecy,” Greg Laurie said to a college professor who challenged his belief that Christ was coming back.

In his book Signs of the Times (Sept. 4, 2018) Laurie points to how skepticism and disbelief are two of the many indications of Christ’s second coming. The other signs include natural disasters, global wars, terrorism, moral decay, and, of course, “scoffers.” Laurie cites the Bible: “In the last days scoffers will come, mocking the truth and following their own desires” (2 Pet. 3:3b, NLT).

“Yes, in a sense ‘we’ve heard it all before,’ and time has marched on,” Laurie says. “But for those of us who are paying attention, the evidence keeps mounting—and even escalating in intensity and frequency.”

Signs of the Times clears the confusion surrounding end-times theology. Laurie breaks down what the Bible actually says about the rapture, the Antichrist, Armageddon, and heaven and hell. He answers questions such as:

  • Where did demons come from?
  • What is the biggest sign that Jesus is coming soon?
  • Why is Jerusalem so important to end-times believers?
  • Where is America in Bible prophecy?

Most importantly, Laurie stresses how the reality of Christ’s return is nothing to be taken lightly. These multiplying signs should motivate us to live godly lives.

“If we really believe Jesus is coming, it should affect our conduct,” Laurie says. “It’s time to get rid of some old things—old habits, old attitudes, old prejudices, old patterns of life—so that we’ll be ready.”

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