When Angels Intervene

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Angelic encounters are far more common than most believers today realize. Here is another first-hand account and personal revelation regarding these supernatural exchanges from a respected charismatic leader.

Joan Hunter

Many years ago, my mom and dad, Charles and Frances Hunter, wrote a book on angels. It was titled The Angel Book and was filled with their experiences with angels. Angels have always been part of my family’s life.

I remember the first time Mom saw an angel. It happened during a church service, and she yelled, “Whoa!” because the sight of him scared her. He was a really big angel, and God told her from that encounter, “This is the angel I have promised to you, to take care of you and to protect you all the days of your life.”

Angelic beings are around us a lot. Countless accounts in the Bible prove that they interact with people far more than we—especially in Western culture—would admit. I think the average person today does not realize the role angels have in our lives and the effect they have on our lives. In everyday moments like driving in traffic, when something happens and suddenly you’re thinking, There’s no way I could not have just hit that car! It missed you because an angel pushed the car out of your way.

I remember one time when I was riding in a car and all of a sudden another car was coming into our lane and I instinctively yelled, “Jesus!” All of a sudden the car went back to the other lane. One moment it was right there in our lane, and then the next it was back in the other lane. It wasn’t moving back or heading toward the other lane; it was literally as if angels picked it up and moved it, and we just kept going.

And that’s a key: When you call on Jesus, He releases the angels. It releases Him. It releases all kinds of things like that.

There was another time when I was going to a meeting. I was riding in the back seat, my daughter was in the passenger seat, and a third person was driving. All of a sudden, a car was screeching toward us, coming directly toward the side of our car.

My daughter just moved her arm in a sideways motion. It was an instinctive reaction, as if to push the car away. She didn’t even cry, “Jesus!” She just moved her arm as if swiping the car away. And the car swerved away. It stopped heading toward us.

It was the angels who moved it. They redirected the other car, and we were saved from a crash.

How many times has God through His angels actually saved our lives? More times than we know!

Joan Hunter is a teacher, author and healing evangelist and the founder and president of Texas-based Joan Hunter Ministries, Hearts 4 Him, 4 Corners Foundation and 4 Corners World Outreach Center.

Why do some people never encounter angels while others do more frequently? John Paul Jackson explains at angels.charismamag.com

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