
God Was There

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In 1952, at the age of 2, I was stricken with polio and cerebral palsy. I was placed in the hospital, and my doctors recommended that I undergo exploratory surgery on my brain so they could determine what was causing my symptoms.

Thankfully, my parents would not consent to this surgery. But for 16 years I was in braces that covered nearly my whole body. I also endured four operations.

I can remember going to my aunt and uncle’s house and attending church with them. My uncle was a minister.

I enjoyed going to church but did not fully understand the gospel and salvation. My family did not attend church when I was a child. But at 16, even before I was saved, I said that I wanted to be a minister’s wife.

During most of my high school years I had home instruction. An English and history teacher began witnessing to my mother and me, and I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior in 1970.

In 1971 the Lord healed my back of scoliosis, which is curvature of the spine. The doctors were amazed when they saw the X-ray and said I no longer needed the back brace.

I moved into my own apartment at age 38 and decided to attend college. In 1989, I received my associate’s degree in accounting, and the Lord opened the way for a job.

One of the greatest blessings I have received from the Lord is my wonderful husband, whom God had planned for me to meet and fall in love with. He fulfilled the desire of a 16-year-old girl’s heart–to marry a minister.

My husband and I work together in the church the Lord blessed us with after many months of seeking His will. I am actively involved in the church, but I could not do the work without the Lord’s strength, knowledge and wisdom.

Looking back at the last 47 years of my life, I see that God has always had His hand on me. He has been there in every season, helping me through the good and bad times and bringing me to a higher level of faith in Him.

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