Mark Rutland

  • Morning Rundown: Paul Spoke in Tongues—So Why Are We Afraid of This Gift?

    Morning Rundown: Paul Spoke in Tongues—So Why Are We Afraid of This Gift?

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on Paul Spoke in Tongues—So Why Are We Afraid of This Gift? Two years ago when I was preaching at a church in Florida, a boy named Roczen was filled with the Holy Spirit during a revival service. He was only about 5 years old. But

  • The Prosperity Gospel Exposed

    The Prosperity Gospel Exposed

    Is prosperity biblical? This question has been asked for decades, and in light of recent footage and Benny Hinn’s admission of making mistakes in regards to prosperity, it’s come back to the surface of what it looks like from a biblical position. In an interview with Stephen Strang on the Strang Report podcast, Dr. Mark

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