Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

When ‘Apostles’ and ‘Prophets’ Lust for Fame

Nowadays one can’t help but notice how many so-called ministers flaunt their titles, positions, achievements and degrees with such pomp and pageantry, repelling those who have any ounce of spiritual discernment. In all probability, if someone has to advertise what they are and bring inordinate attention to themselves, they are not what they claim to be. They are false.

“He who speaks from himself seeks his own glory; but He who is seeking the glory of the One who sent Him, He is true” (John 7:18 NASB). “There is nothing false about him” (John 7:18 NIV).

False apostles, false prophets and false teachers stalk our land. They speak from themselves and of themselves. They seek their own glory.

The apostle Paul warned us of men who have no marks of the cross in their lives and preaching. They are diabolically aligned with the spirits of this age. They are “enemies of the cross of Christ. … Their destination is destruction, their god is their appetite, their glory is in their shame, their minds are set on earthly things” (Phil. 3:18-19, MEV). They are self- deceived.

If anything originated from man, Jesus wanted no part of it.

“I receive not glory from men—I crave no human honor, I look for no mortal fame” (John 5:41 AMP).

Compare the nature and quality of Jesus versus the religious leaders of His day: “For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God” (John 12:43, TLB). In life and ministry, what are you hoping to receive? What are you craving? What are you really looking for? What is it that you wish from men? Is it their smile? Or do you long for self-denial?

Jesus was dead to human praise, human criticism and human opinion.

Listen to the frequent conversations at Christian conventions. It’s all about men. It’s all about who this one is and who that one is, who did what and who’s been where. Doesn’t it get nauseating at times?

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