Jean Breunle

  • Relentless Pursuit

    Relentless Pursuit

    Ken Gire (Bethany House Publishers) Using the parable of the lost sheep as the primary example of God’s relentless love, Ken Gire masterfully weaves Scripture with personal stories to prove how outsiders such as prostitutes, lepers and adulterers found acceptance with God.  A writer’s writer, Gire once again delivers eloquent insight—this time on how those

  • Upended


    Upended: How Following Jesus Remakes Your Words and World is for everyday Christians who believe that in order to please God, they need to do big, radical things. Jedd Medefind, president of the Christian Alliance for Orphans, and Erik Lokkesmoe, founder and principal of the Different Drummer entertainment agency, break down these false expectations and present

  • A Place Called Blessing

    A Place Called Blessing

    John Trent with Annette Smith | Thomas NelsonA Place Called Blessing: Where Hurting Ends and Love Begins brings the five elements from John Trent’s classic best-seller The Blessing to life in story form. When their parents die in a car accident, 5-year-old Josh and his two older brothers find themselves, placed in foster care and…

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