J. D. King

  • The Underground Revival in the Middle East That Might Take Down Islam

    The Underground Revival in the Middle East That Might Take Down Islam

    The churning, tempestuous world looks remarkably different than many imagine. This is undoubtedly true if you’re an average American.  In the darkest corners of the Middle East there’s a revival beginning that’s unprecedented in the history of world missions. I’ve previously reflected on it here and here, but I wanted to take this amazing story

  • How Christians Should Respond to Terrorism

    How Christians Should Respond to Terrorism

    In this modern age of anxiety and unsettling images, fear seems to arrest the minds of many. Based on what’s being broadcast on television and social media, people are unsettled. Many envision atrocities that could afflict our families and unravel our quiet neighborhoods. Increasing unrest and suspicion grips the lives of multitudes. I understand why.

  • As ISIS Rises, Many Muslims Are Turning to Christ

    As ISIS Rises, Many Muslims Are Turning to Christ

    I love reading stories from the great revivalists and evangelists. In fact, I own a number of books that recount wonderful healings and breakthroughs. Many of these are the kind of inspirational stories that make you want to get up and do something incredible for Jesus. I recently pulled out a little volume called Miracles by

  • 7 Ways to Drive Out Demons

    7 Ways to Drive Out Demons

    I was recently talking to a young leader and they posed interesting questions about the ministry of deliverance. It seems that many Spirit-filled Christians are conflicted about this topic. How do we bring the goodness and glory of Jesus to those who are afflicted by darkness? I understand that this is an extremely controversial topic.

  • Why We Shouldn’t Pray for Judgment for America

    Why We Shouldn’t Pray for Judgment for America

    There is plenty of intense anger and distress in the hearts of American churchgoers today. Many are deeply conflicted about contemporary political and social issues.  With a seemingly justified sense of agitation, many Christians are ready to aggressively counteract everything that stands in the way of their practices. Some believers are even ready to call

  • Learning From Failed End-Time Predictions

    Learning From Failed End-Time Predictions

    Over the last season I’ve been pressing into worship and enjoying more of the presence of the Lord. I’ve also been having wonderful outings with my beautiful wife and children. I keep thinking, how can I bring more encouragement and assist in the expansion of the kingdom of God in this hour? Yet, every time

  • Is The World Getting Worse?

    Is The World Getting Worse?

    A former colleague disclosed his anxiety about the violence in the Middle East. Of particular concern for him were the brutal onslaughts against Christians by an organization known as ISIS. This terrorist organization that began as part of al Qaeda in Iraq has spread throughout Arab world. It has beheaded and brutally opposed anyone who

  • What Does God Think About You?

    What Does God Think About You?

    I was once questioned about the viability of hearing God’s voice. Obviously a little skeptical of the biblical moorings of this practice, a zealous young man wanted me to share what I understood about this outworking from the Scriptures. I explained to him that I had no desire to convince him of something that he

  • How I Moved Past My Awkwardness to Pray for People to be Healed

    How I Moved Past My Awkwardness to Pray for People to be Healed

    Over the years several individuals have asked me to share my thoughts on the ministry of healing. They were particularly interested in learning how to operate powerfully in an evangelistic context. One man said that he wanted to get over the awkwardness and really begin to touch the lives of people. I understand the questions

  • Is God Speaking to You?

    Is God Speaking to You?

    I stumbled into conflict one occasion when I wrote an article on the power of the “imagination.” I had been recounting the fact that God desires to actually demonstrate aspects of His nature. In this and some other teachings, I had disclosed that Jeremiah, Amos, and Zechariah had amazing visionary experiences and how they might be a pattern for

  • What Does God Really Think About You?

    What Does God Really Think About You?

    I was once questioned about the viability of hearing God’s voice. Obviously a little skeptical of the biblical moorings of this practice, a zealous young man wanted me to share what I understood about this outworking from the Scriptures. I explained to him that I had no desire to convince him of something that he

  • Why God Has No Grandchildren

    Why God Has No Grandchildren

    Recently I was holding my five-year-old in the midst of a dynamic worship service. The powerful stirrings of the Holy Spirit could literally be felt throughout the room. Some were on their face and others were fervently crying out to God. In my own body, it felt like “electricity” was shooting through my bloodstream. Everything

  • Where Are Those Who Were Part of the Brownsville, Toronto and Smithton Revivals?

    Where Are Those Who Were Part of the Brownsville, Toronto and Smithton Revivals?

    A lot of individuals within the modern-day revival movement are quick to share the incredible things that they’ve experienced at the altar. Most enjoy talking about the wonderful miracles and unusual phenomena that have taken place in the afterglow of the services. Their passionate accounts of impacting sermons and supernatural encounters could fill many pages

  • When Jesus Comes on the Scene

    When Jesus Comes on the Scene

    After the fall of man, the earth became cursed. Creation came under assault and things went into disarray. The Lord declared the following: “Cursed is the ground on account of you; in hard labor you will eat of it all the days of your life. Thorns and thistles it will bring forth for you, and you will eat the plants

  • When Will We Experience the Glory of God?

    When Will We Experience the Glory of God?

    What transpires as humanity moves toward the culmination of all things is astounding. Scripture reveals that more glory and wonder of the Lord will manifest in the earth, culminating in a great awareness of His presence.  The Bible reminds us that the great tragedy in the Garden of Eden was not just sin, but the

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