J. D. King

  • Swimming in the Depths of God’s Wondrous Love for You

    Swimming in the Depths of God’s Wondrous Love for You

    God’s benevolent intentions are often misconstrued. Although He generously conveys His revelation, our own misconceptions “muddy the waters.” I was recently reminded of this while listening to a group of men discuss God’s impression of humanity.  A harsh, rigid man asserted that “humanity is nothing more than a stench in the nostrils of God. Since

  • Using Your Circumstances Strategically to Prepare for God’s Call

    Using Your Circumstances Strategically to Prepare for God’s Call

    When Spirit-filled men and women talk about achieving their destiny, what they often have in mind is stepping into a desired “office.”  While some might see it differently, I’d define an “office” as an ascribed function or role that is duly acknowledged by an attendant community. To the chagrin of many, their present function doesn’t

  • Experiencing Holy Spirit Without Measure

    Experiencing Holy Spirit Without Measure

    I’ve found a lot Christians are sincerely waiting for a season of greater glory. In the midst of dryness and lethargy, they desire greater access to the “supernatural.” There’s a deep longing for breakthrough. A day is being envisioned when healing, deliverance and vast spiritual empowerment will finally be available in the church. The funny thing

  • Holy Spirit Uses These 4 Methods to Guide You in His Will

    Holy Spirit Uses These 4 Methods to Guide You in His Will

    I had a vigorous discussion with a colleague the other day. Reflecting on some of the deeper realities of God, our conversation pivoted into an exploration of how life-change happens. I think that most everyone is interested in spiritual growth. Yet, how does the desired maturation actually transpire? What is it that elicits this transformation?

  • The Only Answer for the Gnawing Hunger in Your Spirit

    The Only Answer for the Gnawing Hunger in Your Spirit

    There’s something in the depths of my soul that desperately yearns for the Lord. I have a desire to know Him in the unfathomable wonder of His glory. I want to move beyond the heartless worship and empty religious forms and have an overwhelming experience of His presence. I don’t just want to know about the

  • Why Many Believers Misunderstand ‘the Prince of This World’

    Why Many Believers Misunderstand ‘the Prince of This World’

    In the pages of the Bible, Satan is portrayed as the “god of this world” (2 Corinthians 4:4b) and the “prince of this world” (John 12:31).  These commonly cited passages are thought to confirm the fact that Satan rules the Earth. Many of my fellow Christians are genuinely convinced that the world that we live in

  • What Many Don’t Understand About ‘the Spirit of Prophecy’

    What Many Don’t Understand About ‘the Spirit of Prophecy’

    From the opening of time, God’s Spirit was shaping the destiny of creation. This is not only witnessed in the account of Moses when he declares, “the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the water” (Gen. 1:2b), it is also witnessed in the psalms of David. Under inspiration from the Lord, he

  • What Many Christians Don’t Understand About ‘the Anointing’

    What Many Christians Don’t Understand About ‘the Anointing’

    The Bible sometimes speaks of “anointings,” but most don’t seem to have any idea about what this term means. In Scripture, “anointing” spoke of sacred moments when an individual (or object) was smeared with oil and commissioned to accomplish a particular task. It typically referred to those installed into the priesthood, as well as prophets,

  • Resist Satan’s Strategy to Lure You Into This Death Trap

    Resist Satan’s Strategy to Lure You Into This Death Trap

    Although Satan has never actually had any legitimate authority in the earth, that doesn’t mean that he has not found a deceptive way to function.  You see, the deceiver has found a duplicitous method that actually enables him to function in places where he has no standing or right.  The apostle Paul warns us to

  • Why This ‘Stuffy Traditionalist’ Decided to Encounter Holy Spirit

    Why This ‘Stuffy Traditionalist’ Decided to Encounter Holy Spirit

    Among Spirit-filled believers, there’s an underlying desire to encounter the deeper realities of God. Sometimes there may be conflicted ideas about what this means and how it comes about. Yet many sincerely want to experience the wonder of heaven’s glory. A woman came up to me one time after an exhilarating church service and asked

  • What the Bible Has to Say About Public Healing

    What the Bible Has to Say About Public Healing

    Coming into the Christian ministry along the periphery of the Pentecostal/charismatic movement, I’ve had a front row seat to a preponderance of sensationalism and showmanship. Loud, boisterous evangelists laid hands on the sick with theatrics that would make even the most seasoned Broadway performer envious. Intercessors with big hair, colorful shirts and gaudy jewelry would

  • What the First Spirit-Filled Church Can Teach Us About Failure

    What the First Spirit-Filled Church Can Teach Us About Failure

    “Now all these things happened to them for examples. They are written as an admonition to us, upon whom the end of the ages has come” (1 Cor. 10:11). Sadly, modern believers are unwilling to consider early apostolic practice. They’re convinced that we’re so far removed from the purity and power of the first century

  • This Kind of Prayer Elicits Miraculous Encounters

    This Kind of Prayer Elicits Miraculous Encounters

    Even though there’s a fair amount of talk about prayer in Spirit-filled circles, misunderstanding and misapplication still ensue. This confusion is especially evident when it comes to matters like healing, deliverance and spiritual breakthrough. It’s not that intercession isn’t understood at all. The problem is that our worldview and everyday practices seldom reflect the robust,

  • Healing From Your Agonizing Past Starts With This Illuminating Truth

    Healing From Your Agonizing Past Starts With This Illuminating Truth

    Pain and anguish are rampant in our world. It seems that many emerge into adulthood from deeply troubled backgrounds, continually struggling because of broken families and a marred sense of identity.  Over the years I’ve encountered many who quietly agonize over issues related to their father—perhaps the most significant natural relationship in this life. It

  • 3 Biblical Prophetic Strategies Many Christians Ignore

    3 Biblical Prophetic Strategies Many Christians Ignore

    Someone once asked me, “How does a Spirit-filled believer function in the inexplicable realm of the spirit? How does a man or woman effectively administrate what’s being revealed to them by God?” That question isn’t easy to answer, but I believe some truly valuable direction can be gained from the following passage:  “As they came

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