Diane Morrow

  • Why Social Media Can Be Harmful

    Why Social Media Can Be Harmful

    Editor’s note: The following dialogue came from an interview with Diane Morrow about Elizabeth Oates book If You Could See as Jesus Sees. Q: If You Could See as Jesus Sees was written to reach women who struggle with self-worth. How common is this problem? I think most women—from ages ten to one hundred—wrestle with feelings

  • Rape, Incest Survivor Speaks Out

    Rape, Incest Survivor Speaks Out

    April is National Sexual Assault Awareness month, as well as National Child Abuse Prevention month in recognition of the pervasiveness of sexual assault nationwide. Sexual violence, including child sexual abuse, spans all ages, genders, races, ethnicities and economic backgrounds. According to a Child Maltreatment report from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Children’s

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